La Nueche de San Xuán (2011)
For Flute and Harp
La Nueche de San Xuán represents the most magical night of all nights, the Night of St. John, on June 23rd, the night were ancient pagan cults join modern beliefs. It is a night of celebration were magical creatures surface to join humans in a festival of music and dance. Composed in three movements, the first one represents a depiction of ventolines, very small dwarfs that float in the air, whispering the thoughts and sighs of lovers. The second movement brings trasgos, who are a type of goblins similar to leprechauns. Trasgos are very mischievous and extremely unpredictable. They are responsible for keeping people awake at night and for moving things from place to place. The third movement, brings all these creatures together around the fire of the night of St. John, where ventolines sing to the xanes so they will come out and dance in circles. After a night of dance and music, all creatures and humans descend to a deep sleep. Did we dream it all?
Reviews of La Nueche de San Xuán
“Para cerrar, la jolgoriosa y experimental La Nueche de San Xuán de Jorge Muñiz, en la que los recursos expresivos de la flauta son agotados hasta lo posible, en una búsqueda de la intensidad expresiva más bárbara.”
[English Translation] “In closing, we have the exhilarating and experimental La Nueche de San Xuán by Jorge Muñiz, where the expressive resources of the flute are used in all possibilities, in a search for the most barbarian expressive intensity.”
— Gonzalo Pérez Chamorro, RITMO Magazine, March, 2012